So you're looking for a way to earn money surfing the net. Not to worry if making money online is what you're looking for, I assure you, you won't leave this blog disappointed. Right about now you may be thinking, why should I listen to this guy, look at how poorly put together his blog is, he must have put in all of 10 minutes setting it up. I'm not going to lie, it didn't take me very long at all to setup this blog, although, poorly put together it is not. My title is simple and straight to the point "Get Paid To Surf", my background is simple white and my text is black this makes it much easier to read. You will notice I use a larger font unlike most of the sites you may be used to. I like to make all the information that I provide as easy to read as possible. I have definitely not created a big beautiful site to distract you from its content. If you came looking for a fancy site full of frills and someone trying to convince you to join different programs by over inflating their earnings, all the while pushing their referral link down your throat than you have come to the wrong place. If you are still reading than I assume that you are interested in what I have to say.. so lets get down to how you can make some money online.
Get Paid To Surf The Net
Basically what a paid to surf program does is pay you to surf the web, simple right? This isn't as profitable as you may think. The reason these companies are willing to pay you for simply web surfing is they force you to view ads while you are online. The problem with paid to surf programs is that the ads aren't targeted and therefore don't bring the advertisers many customers. Since the advertisers don't make much money from the advertising, they aren't willing to pay very much for it, therefore you won't make a whole lot of money. Paid to surf sites were very popular a few years back before there were very many avenues to advertise online. These days there are so many options for companies looking to advertise online that there is no reason to waste money on un-targeted traffic. This is why paid to surf and paid to click sites are obsolete. I know what you are thinking, WTF, "why did this guy create this Get Paid To Surf blog if he isn't going to show me how to earn money surfing the net". Look, you've made it this far, trust me, like it says in the blog description, making money online is easier than you think. I created this blog to help steer people in the right direction and away from scammy sites that would waste there time. You will not make real money trying to get paid to surf, if you make any money at all. If you are interested in earning money online please read on and I promise you won't be disappointed.
Easy Sites That Pay
Before I start listing sites where you can earn real money online with, I just want to remind you that this is a simple site. I won't be pushing my referral link on you here. This means that I am promoting these sites for free. I won't be pushing you to join under me just to make a quick buck.
The first site I am going to introduce you to is Youdata. Basically, Youdata is the only paid to click site left that actually pays you. You won't be getting paid mere pennies like all of the other paid to click sites you are used to. The reason Youdata can offer a much higher rate of pay is they provide targeted traffic and ads for their advertisers. You get paid every Friday regardless of your balance and you will make much more with this site in the few minutes a week that you use it then you ever would with a paid to surf program. Not to mention the fact that you won't need to download cumbersome software that will slow down your computer, making surfing for money a waste of your time. If you think you might be interested you can get more info at How To Make Money Online.
Another amazing way to earn some extra cash online is Gomez Peer Zone. This company makes their money by testing the amount of web traffic certain websites can take at any given time. They test these site by using your Internet connection. You will have to download a small peer program that runs in the background of your computer. This company is perfectly safe, has hundreds or peers (users), and has been around for quite some time. With this program you really will be making money online with zero work, aside from the initial sign up and download. If you think you might be interested in joining get more information at Making Money Online.
Paid survey sites are now more popular, easy and profitable than ever. You will see that making money with paid surveys is much easier than trying to get paid to surf the net. Personally, I don't have the attention span to fill out long winded, complicated surveys that could take 15 minutes or more. Don't get me wrong, if that's what you're looking for you definitely can make some good money doing it. I prefer more simple paid surveys, you won't be paid as well but its quick and painless. If you have to spend hours working hard to make money online than that pretty much defeats the purpose, you might as well go out and get a job. Prizelive provides you with a variety of paid surveys that, for the most part, are sort and simple. You will get paid anywhere for $0.35 to over $5.00. There is no minimum payout and you will get paid right to your paypal account. If this looks good to you get more info at How To Make Money Online.
The three sites that I have introduced you to can be worked in under an hour a week and the profit you will make from them far out weigh what you could get paid to surf the net. So forget about chasing pennies with scammy paid to surf programs. There are so many easier and more profitable ways to earn money online. I will be adding more posts with many more ways to earn money online as I build up this blog. So check back later on in the week for new posts.
Good Luck Earning Money,